Trout Fishing

Trout Fishing at St Mary's Angling Club

St Mary's Loch and Loch o' the Lowes are home to a healthy population of lively Brown Trout. On calm summer days and nights, you can often see them rising freely, making for an exciting and rewarding fishing experience.

Best Fishing Techniques

🎣 Fly Fishing (Most Effective)

🎣 Alternative Methods

The Challenge of Wild Brown Trout

Unlike stocked Rainbow Trout, the wild Trout of St Mary’s Loch are highly selective in what they take, demanding skill and patience from anglers.

βœ… Hooking a pair of these wily Trout is a true achievement - worthy of celebration!
βœ… Expect a visual spectacle and a hard fight when you land one of these exceptional fish!

If you're up for the thrill of wild Trout fishing, St Mary's Loch offers a truly authentic and rewarding experience. Tight lines! 🎣

Additional Fishing Methods

🎣 Spinning

⚠️ Pike Warning
If you choose to use these methods, please be aware of the possibility of a Pike strike. To prevent losing your lure (or harming the fish), always use a wire trace when spinning or trolling.

Trolling for Trout & Pike

One of our experienced members, who regularly trolls the loch, has had excellent catches of both Trout and Pike using a combination of Rapala lures and natural baits.

If you choose to troll, consider experimenting with different Rapala patterns and retrieval speeds to find what works best on the day.

⚠️ Pike Warning: Due to the likelihood of a Pike strike when trolling, always use a wire trace to prevent losing your lure or harming the fish.

Record-Breaking Brown Trout

πŸ“’ Largest Brown Trout on Record (2009):
🎣 8 lbs 6 oz – a truly magnificent catch! (See photo above.)

As with all fishing, we encourage anglers to chat with regulars for tips and insights. If you have any questions, feel free to email us - we’re happy to help!

Catch Returns – Help Us Monitor the Fishery

πŸ“Š To help us maintain the quality of our fishery, we ask all Trout anglers to submit a return of their catch using the form below:
➑️ Submit Your Trout Catch Here

Permit Requirement – No Fishing Without a Permit!

🎣 All anglers must obtain a permit before fishing.
πŸ“ž If prior arrangements are needed, please contact:

Trout Season Close – Important Lure Fishing Rules

Please take note of the following updated rules for lure fishing:

April 1st – September 30th

βœ”οΈ You are permitted to use any legal lure on the lochs at your discretion.

October 1st – March 31st

🚫 No lure fishing is allowed within 100 yards of the mouth of both the Meggat River and the Regulator Area.

βœ”οΈ Allowed Areas:

πŸ”΄ Restricted Areas:

Pike Fishing